So today I’m plugging The Signal not only because it’s a great film out of my hometown, but because it’s a small little film that I believe is destined for cult greatness. I think Magnolia hasn’t done right by the movie with their poor marketing but if you tend to agree with me about movies, please see The Signal. If you don’t, accept that you’re wrong and see The Signal.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Do You Have The Crazy?
This weekend, The Signal arrives in theatres and if it’s playing in one near you, I highly recommend you see it. Some have compared the premise to Stephen King’s 2006 horror novel Cell. I didn’t know people still read Stephen King books. What I do know is that The Signal is the evolution of the zombie flick and it’s scary as hell. There’s loads of gore but a strong undercurrent of psychological horror at work that will make you incredibly uncomfortable (although if you’re from Atlanta, this will be interrupted by shouts of “Hey! I know that place!”). I interviewed the three directors of the film yesterday and they were really nice and intelligent gents. I also spoke briefly with two of the film’s stars (although not in an official-interview capacity) and they were also very cool folks.