So what are you doing this weekend? Besides gorging yourself on the Halloween candy you refused to give to children. Well, if you're not too full of fun-size Twix, you may want to
get involved with the Rapid "i" Competition this weekend from 7 PM on Friday, November 2nd to Sunday, November 4th at 9 PM. You'll have 50 hours to make a great short film. Time is already ticking away. PANIC ATTACK! PANIC ATTACK!
The details are here but remember: you have till
9:00 PM on October 31st to register. So what are you waiting for? Oh. You're waiting to connect to the site because your Internet is slow. I get it. Well after the page loads, get to it! And hey, maybe after you've finished your film, you may want to
submit it to C-47. It's what all the cool kids are doing.