Friday, December 14, 2007
Just Press Play
Thank you so much for your support and we'll be using this new player from now on as we bring you fresh content in the weeks ahead.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
5 Holiday Films That Are Actually Good
So in the spirit of the holidays (I don't know why I keep using the plural; it's not like any of the films celebrate Hanukkah), here are five films that will get you in the Christmas spirit or at least give you a reason to get away from your family for a couple hours when you're not watching a football game.
5. It's A Wonderful Life (1946) d. Frank Capra
Admit it: you're charmed by Jimmy Stewart. If you weren't, Vertigo wouldn't be half as disturbing (okay, it probably would, but his casting is just perfect). The film has been parodied countless times, namely the whole "My Life Without Me" part and how a good man shouldn't try to kill himself just because he's had a horrible day. But I would love to see an alternate version where Clarence decides to show Mr. Potter his life and that persuades the mean old cripple to wheel himself into oncoming traffic. Or change his ways. Whichever is more Capra-esque.
All sarcasm aside, it is a heartwarming film and the only one on the list that doesn't feature the dark comedy I feel is necessary override the empty sentimentality inherent in so many of these films.
4. Scrooged (1988) d. Richard Donner
Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is also an endlessly parodied story but never has it been applied to our modern world as wonderfully as it has with Scrooged. There's media criticism, Bill Murray at his comedic best, and a fantastic supporting cast. If you're not struggling to breath by the hilarity of Cross' advertisement for A Christmas Carol, then you don't have a sense of humor and that's too bad.
3. Die Hard (1988) d. John McTiernan
Granted, this film has a reputation more for other elements than its Christmas-time setting, but it's one that's important to the film. It explains why Nakatomi Tower is so deserted. It provides a great comedic moment as Reginald VelJohnson sings a happy Christmas song only to have his car smashed by a dead henchman. And who can forget sending another dead henchman down the elevator with, written in his own blood, "Now I Have a Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho" If that doesn't sum up what the holidays are all about, I don't know what does.
2. The Ref (1994) d. Ted Demme
After the presents, and the lights, and the snow, and the tree, the most important part of Christmas is spending time with family. And no film nails how excruciating an exercise that can be than the overlooked comedic gem of The Ref. Being held hostage by Denis Leary can really help repair a failing marriage and put a vile matriarch in her place. Sure, there are a couple of distracting Leary-rants, but the real comedic talent in this film is Kevin Spacey, who says what every put upon child has wanted to say to their mother during the holidays: "You know what I'm going to get you next Christmas, Mom? A big wooden cross, so that every time you feel unappreciated for your sacrifices, you can climb on up and nail yourself to it." That's just heartwarming.
1. Bad Santa (2003) d. Terry Zwigoff
The last film on our list is incredibly raunchy but also extremely heartwarming. That's the beauty of Christmas. It can bring those two polar extremes together. Then again, that may just be the beauty of Billy Bob Thorton. While I don't think it's fair to cast Bernie Mac and Tony Cox as such unlikable fellows, Thorton ain't no saint either. But in a cast full of unlikable people, it is possible to find redemption and comedy. And isn't that why Santa died for our sins?
If you have been offended by this list, just remember: Christmas is a time for forgiveness so please no angry e-mails. I love you.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Georgia Film News You Can Use!
And now if you're not too grossed out, the news!
The Winners of Rapid-i-Movement
We brought it to your attention (we'll take credit where ever we can get it) and now the winners of IMAGE's Rapid-i-Movement have been announced. They are...
From Group A + D
Tibet's Trust - Ten-X Films
Team Captain Scott Balzar
Petunia - Another Look
Team Captain Marla Johnson
From Group B + C
No Vacancy - LightHog
Team Captain Keith Hooker
Done in One - Mavin Productions
Team Captain Matthew Cornwell
Congratulations to the Finalists. Their films will screen at the 2008 Atlanta Film Festival, will be televised on Comcast On Demand and will be eligible for Jury Awards and prizes at this year's festival. They may think they're better than me, and they would be right.
AFI Directing Workshop for Women Calls for Applications
There is a depressing dearth of women directors in Hollywood. Sofia Coppola is only one woman and Nora Ephron only recently got paroled from director jail for the awfulness that was Bewitched. So we need more women voices in cinema and Diablo Cody hasn't decided to direct yet, so the call falls to you. Established in 1974, this tuition-free program is dedicated to increasing the number of women working professionally as film and television directors by providing them with the education and resources necessary to their first step towards career advancement by directing a short film (which they may want to submit to us...just a thought). Applications can be downloaded from and must be postmarked by January 4, 2008.
So what are you waiting for? Oh, an encouraging word from me? Well then, go and get some! Hollywood needs you and they need you to show them that you're better than just second-rate romantic comedies and Lifetime network television. I mean, work is work but you've got vision and talent and the world always needs it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
IMAGE Salon: Tuesday!
Legal Ease with Georgia Lawyers For The Arts
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Cost: Free (you cheapskate)
Location: GPB, 260 14th St, NW, 30318
Back by popular demand (and we will always cave to popular demands)! We have a panel of local entertainment lawyers who specialize in legalities surrounding film production. Lisa F. Moore, Esq., Executive Director, Georgia Lawyers For The Arts (GLA), a nonprofit organization that provides legal assistance and education to artists in Georgia (including filmmakers), will be moderating this panel. Come get your most crucial legal questions answered regarding your film projects by these experienced panel of experts! Other panelists include Alethea D. Pounds, Esq, Lovette Entertainment Law Group. You won't be billed by the hour!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Director of OFF THE BLACK Awarded Sundance Fellowship
But back to the winner, Ponsoldt will receive a cash stipend, a Sundance screenplay reading and advice from screenwriters John August (Go, Big Fish, The Nines) and Ron Nyswaner (Philadelphia, Gross Anatomy, Painted Veil). I will be hiding in his luggage because August is one of my favorite screenwriters and I want him to sign my copy of Big Fish. I'm sure all parties involved are totally cool with that.
Ponsoldt won the 2003 Perfect Pitch contest at that year's Atlanta Film Festival, and his directoral debut OFF THE BLACK, starring Nick Nolte and a 2006 Sundance selection, was released on DVD earlier this spring. Conversely, my directorial debut GRANDMA'S 75th BIRTHDAY was released on DVD by using iMovie and burning it to a rewritable DVD and then giving it to my mother.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Film Festival: The French & African Film Festival
The French & African Film Festival
Oct 22 - Nov 6 2007
Co-sponsored by the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture and the School of Modern Languages.
All screenings located in the Clary Theater of the Georgia Tech Student Success Center. All films in French with English subtitles.
All film screenings are FREE and open to the public.
This series is co-curated by Professor Angela Dalle Vacche of the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture and Professor Stephanie Boulard of the School of Modern Languages.
The Tournées program is made possible with the support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the French Ministry of Culture (CNC).
Monday, October 29, 2007
Rapido! Rapido!

The details are here but remember: you have till 9:00 PM on October 31st to register. So what are you waiting for? Oh. You're waiting to connect to the site because your Internet is slow. I get it. Well after the page loads, get to it! And hey, maybe after you've finished your film, you may want to submit it to C-47. It's what all the cool kids are doing.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What Are You Doing at Midnight?
So wipe away those tears, weepy. Enjoy a brand new episode of C-47: The Georgia Short Film Showcase TONIGHT!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Financial Strategies and Business Plans for Both Independent Filmmakers and Investors with Instructor, Louise Levison
Presented by IMAGE Film And Video Center
If you want to cash in on the $8 billion independent film market, come to this workshop with Louise Levison, author of Filmmakers and Financing: Business Plans for Independents. Taking the mystique out of film financing for both filmmakers and investors, she’ll clarify, demystify and streamline the business plan process. In the process, you will understand the business of the industry, markets and distribution; how the money flows and how to develop financial projections.
LOUISE LEVISON is President of Business Strategies, a consulting firm that specializes in writing business plans for films and film companies. She is the author of Filmmakers & Financing: Business Plans for Independents and publisher/editor of The Film Entrepreneur: A Newsletter for the Independent Filmmaker and Investors. Levison's clients have raised money for low-budget films, such as The Blair Witch Project, the most profitable independent film in history, and for companies raising as much as $300 million. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Extension Program at UCLA and has been a Visiting Professor at the Taipei (Taiwan) National University of the Arts and conducted workshops at film festivals around the U.S. and overseas.
Sat, Oct 20 /10-5pm
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Oct 2
$95 IMAGE Student/Senior Members/GSU Students
$125 IMAGE Members/GPP Members/CECIL Board Members
$150 Non-Members Regular Registration Deadline: Oct 12
$120 IMAGE Student/Senior Members/GSU Students
$150 IMAGE Members/GPP Members/CECIL Board Members
$175 Non-Members Walk Up Registration: Oct. 20
$145 IMAGE Student or Senior Members/ GSU Students
$175 IMAGE Members/GPP Members/CECIL Board Members
$200 Non-Members
This workshop will be hosted by D.A.E.L. (Digital Arts and Entertainment Laboratories) and held on the Georgia State University Campus. Go to ( ) for more information about this workshop, Instructor, Louise Levison, and to register!
This workshop is also sponsored by D.A.E.L.(Digital Arts and Entertainment Laboratory), GPP(Georgia Production Partnership), CECIL(Committee On Entertainment Capital, Investment, and Legislation), and the Georgia Film, Video and Music Office.
And Second....
Women in Film and Television Atlanta presents:
33rd Anniversary Gala Celebration
Order tickets online today!
In honor of our 33rd amazing year, Women in Film and Television Atlanta is happy to announce the following honorees for the 2007 WIFTA Gala:
Lifetime Achievement Award to James Ivory | ||
Creative Excellence Award to to Eleanor Ringel Gillespie Nationally renowned Film Critic | ||
Humanitarian Award to Elisabeth and Afemo Omilami Actors and Activists (Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless) | ||
Outstanding Achievement Award to Suzan Satterfield Award-winning Producer, Past President Women in Film and Television Atlanta | ||
Outstanding Contribution to the Georgia Film Industry to Janet Tiller Account Manager, Entertainment Imaging, EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY | ||
and introducting WIFTA's brand new category: The Woman to Watch Award to Tracy Martin Film Director, Producer and Founder of “The Woman’s Angle” |
The Ritz-Carlton Buckhead, 3434 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta 30326
Friday, October 19, 2007
6:00 pm Reception, 7:00 pm Dinner and Awards Ceremony
$100 member, $150 non-member, $175 membership and gala ticket
Order tickets today! (PDF form)
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Includes an exclusive conversation with James Ivory on Saturday, October 20, 2007. Location to be announced on website.
Entrance to Saturday's event is limited to the
first 100 individuals to purchase Gala tickets.
Limited seating, tickets required. First come, first served.
For more information contact
Friday, October 12, 2007
C-47: Still Awesome
But don't cry! Wipe away those tears, sad child! If you're reading this blog, then our accomplishments are your accomplishments! Everyone wins! Internet group hug!
(If at this point you are hugging your monitor, you are probably getting odd stares from your co-workers. It's okay; we wont' judge)
First off, we want to offer a MAJOR and much belated CONGRATULATIONS (it's all in caps because that's how much we congratulate here at C-47) to original C-47er Phoebe Brown for getting her documentary 99 to 1: Ovarian Cancer and Me accepted to the Asheville Film Festival. Please visit their website for more details.
Next up, a big congratulations (although not as big as Phoebe's because we are so proud of her!) to US! The Foundation Center has done a very nice write-up on us and who we are. To check it out, click here!
Finally, THE BIG NEWS. You have no idea how BIG this NEWS will BE.
Imagine it. Now multiply that by INFINITY...+1.
That's the best I can do without putting together a trailer and having Mr. Movie Voice come in to do the narration (I imagine he is rather expensive. And busy. And in desperate need of a lozenge).
That's the news and expect plenty more of it as I have been shackled to my desk and forced to blog for all eternity (Please, somebody call for help. So hungry).
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Now Accepting Submissions For New Show!
From YouTube to YourTube, OurTube, TheirTube, and Everybody’sTube.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Junketeering: Part 1
So before we go any further, what is a junket? I don't ask to condescend but rather because a lot of folks I've encountered and told about my work aren't familiar with the term. So here, according to Merriam-Webster, is a junket:
Main Entry: 1jun·ket
Pronunciation: 'j&[ng]-k&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ioncate, ultimately from Vulgar Latin *juncata, from Latin juncus rush
1 : a dessert of sweetened flavored milk set with rennet
2 a : a festive social affair b : TRIP, JOURNEY: as (1) : a trip made by an official at public expense (2) : a promotional trip made at another's expense
So as you can see, as a film critic, I will attend a dessert of sweetened flavored milk set with rennet.
If only. But a boy can dream.
The most accurate definition is the last one: "A promotional trip made at another's expense," which is really the best kind of trip, depending on the locale. In my line of work, the locale is usually either New York City, or most often, Los Angeles. But why would anyone pay for such a thing? Why would studios pay perfectly good money to fly out a nobody like myself (you're too kind), put me up in a swank hotel like The Four Seasons, and let me throw questions at movie stars, writers, directors, and even producers! [Note to studios: you know that we know that you know that we hate interviewing producers unless they're prolific or charismatic]. While there's no real way to get inside the minds of studios, there is a business rationale and that rationale is, in a word, publicity. While our reviews may be negative and hurt your movie, interviewing movie stars is neutral and that's good enough. Your star sells the movie, sells their next project (which is hopefully at the same studio), sells a bit of their personal life, and the paper or website or TV show the writer works for gets to sell advertising. Everyone wins. But especially me, and here's why:
Junkets are a great gig. Simply put, if you can get paid for this kind of job, you've got it made in the shade. As ticket prices rise, there's simply no better way to see movies. Of course, it helps if you really love movies (if you're reading this website, I assume you do, so good for you!). But before you can interview the people behind the movie, you have to see the movie and you get to do it not at your own expense, but at screenings.
There are two types of screenings:
1) Press-only screenings: These are usually held in the morning or early afternoon. It's only you and the other critics from your area and it's my preferred way to see a film because there's a mutual respect and no one's going to be obnoxious. We all understand that this is a fun job but it's still a job.
2) General Audience screening: I used to attend these as a member of the general public before I became a critic and got sweet, sweet access. Now this kind of screening is free. It's before the film opens for general release (although this window can be as long as a month before the film opens or as short as the night before). It's admittance by screening pass only. You get these passes usually from magazines like mine (INsite Atlanta, first plug!) or Creative Loafing or the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (I have no passes, but would you care for a hug instead? [note: hugs not valid for admittance to free movie screenings]) by either showing up at a certain place at a certain time (usually a restaurant or other reputable business; if it's a back alley or abandoned warehouse, you're probably not getting a pass but are in for a good ol' fashioned mugging) or by just shooting off an e-mail.
But once you got your pass, you're still not in. The pass is not a ticket. Studios and by proxy the various screening-sponsors give out way more passes than available seats so it's first come, first serve. If you want to get a good seat, you have to show up at least an hour before (the more excited you are for the film, the earlier you should show up). Now as a member of the press, my seat is reserved so I get to bypass the entire line and have you hate me. I can feel your hate and it feels delicious.
So far, this sounds like a raw deal for you and a great deal for me. But now we get to why I don't prefer these screenings: the sponsors. You see, if and when you finally get in the theatre (oh, by the way, did I mention how you'll be molested by security to make sure you have no recording devices? Leave your cell phone in your car and thank me later), you won't be treated to painful advertisements but rather, to free movie swag. People go nuts for swag. I'm as guilty of this as anybody but I try to maintain some dignity about it. Others decided they lost all their dignity and self-respect a long time ago and will go from seemingly-normal person to frightening mental patient at the words "Free T-Shirt". Yes, the sponsors have promotional goodies for you but you must answer their question about the radio station or TV station or publication or maybe, just maybe, a question pertaining to the stars of the movie you're about to see, and if you answer correctly, that precious t-shirt is yours. Enjoy. As for the sponsors, well, while I understand that they have a job to do and since they're sponsoring the screening, they should be allowed to do it, let's just say that if this were a final exam in How Not To Annoy The Ever-loving Hell Out Of Me, they would be expelled for gross failure (it's like regular failure, but worse!).
Finally, the movie is screened, I take some time to form an opinion (I usually bring a friend with me so I have a sounding board), write my review, and if there is no press junket, that's where our story ends. But since this series is called "Junketeering" and this is only part 1, I think we both know that there's a sequel in the works...
Monday, June 4, 2007
Promo 1
Promo 2
Promo 3
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm Still Exhuasted From The Greatness
I know it sounds like I would be positive no matter what, but believe me, as the web guy, I was the most useless person there and that's a good thing because all the talented people were busy setting up lights, making sure that even the shortest of segments came out perfectly. Our new host Mike Brune was charming, funny, and the interviews he conducted were educational even for the most educated cinema studies major like myself.
So why was I there? Well, other than swiping all the food from the craft services table (I was starving from watching other people work so hard), I wanted to see the interviews and get a taste of the upcoming show. And much like a mother bird regurgitating food to her younglings, I share that taste with you and it's delicious.
Oh, and our website is about to go atomic but instead of death and mindless, painful destruction, it will be full of content and rich, fascinating material. Get ready because C-47 is about to come at you in a big way.
Seriously. You may want to invest in an underground shelter of some kind. Just make sure it has Internet access.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
4 Documentaries at Eyedrum
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Upcoming Festivals in Atlanta
Animation Attack!
July 12 - 14, 2007 - entry deadline extended to: May 1, 2007
The First Annual Animation Attack! will bring you animation of every format and genre with plenty of discussions, panels and demonstrations.
August 22 - 25, 2007 - entry deadline: May 30, 2007
The Fourth Annual AUFF presents five days of independent and underground cinema from across the world with live music, art
and plenty of late night parties.
September 27 - 29, 2007 - entry deadline: May 30, 2007
The Second Annual DocuFest
Atlanta Horror Fest
October 2007 - entry deadline: June 30, 2007
The Second Annual Atlanta Horror Fest combines the best in indie horror films with live music and many dark and delicious special events.
Entry fees to all festivals are as follows:
$20 for shorts (under 45 min.)
$30 for features
email us at with any questions
Free Screenings at the 31st Annual Atlanta Film Festival
Did you know you can see films for free at the Atlanta Film Festival?
Come to the Teen Screen screenings and see what tomorrow’s directors are doing today!
931 Monroe Drive
Monday, April 23, 2007 @12 noon
These teens get real through intimate video blogs, docs about their families, and their everyday issues being a teen. This is a no-holds barred look of subject matter through the eyes of teens.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 4:00pm
Animation, Experimental, Arts, Music Videos, Public Service Announcements, and more!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @12 noon
Showcasing our international teen directors, we’ll show films made about diverse cultures, and films by teens who have diverse cultural backgrounds. Teens also open our eyes and redefine what it means to be American.
Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ 4:00pm
Teens are making movies that matter. See the process through pictures of teens developing their social conscience and finding their voice.
Friday, April 27, 2007 @ 12 noon
Come for a matinee of horror, thriller, suspense, sci-fi, mystery and all that is a little out of this world!
C-47 + AFF2007 + You = GREATNESS.
C-47 will be at this year's Atlanta Film Festival. Oh hey, you're gonna be at the film festival too? That's cool. We should totally hang out. Here's where we'll be.
FILM BUS! - C-47 goes on a trip around Atlanta with filmmakers outside the community as we try and convince them that not every place in the city is named after Ted Turner and that Atlanta is a great place to make movies, even if those movies aren't about Coca-Cola or Hartsfield Int'l Airport. The bus is kind of full, but check this blog and it will be just like you were without the stopping to go to the bathroom every five minutes.
PANELS! - You know all those panels you're planning on attending so you can learn to be a better filmmaker. We're co-sponsoring those! You'll see us at...
The State of Independent Film - Current trends in indie filmmaking and why you need to know about them.
The Write Stuff - Everyone has a great idea for a movie but few know how to translate that idea into the write...I mean right format. And after you finally commit that great idea to the page, what's next?
International House of Production - Minus the hearty breakfast but plus a delightful buffet of knowledge about distributing and exhibiting your film beyond the comfy shores of the United States.
Conversation on Animation and the Making of First Flight - DreamWorks animator Kyle Jefferson takes you inside the creative and technical process of making this animated short film.
Getting The Right Rights For Your Documentary Film - Nobody wants to get destroyed by the legal system when making a documentary (unless they're making a documentary about getting destroyed by the legal system). This panel will talk about how to successfully navigate shark-infested legal waters.
A Conversation With Will Packer And Rob Hardy Of Rainforest Films - How do you distribute films without losing your love of films? Isn't it a fact that the business side of filmmaking crushes souls? Packer and Hardy will tell you how they've managed to brave film distribution with souls still intact.
Get Your Act Together! Your Business Act! - Hey, you're an awesome actor so why do you keep getting turned away from auditions for being too "human" or too "oxygen-dependent"? Where's your super-agent who's gonna fight to get you every part you richly deserve? Attend this panel to find out how you can balance your craft and your business acumen.
INTERVIEWS! - Upstairs from the Landmark Midtown Art you'll find a bar called The Independent. Inside The Independent, you'll find the Filmmakers Lounge where we'll be interviewing festival participants and you'll be sharing stories of filmmaking over a beer, if you're so inclined.
We'll also be attending screenings, after-parties, and all other kinds of happenings. So if you're at the festival, come by and say hello! Don't be rude. Say hello. Don't see us from across the room and avoid eye-contact and be all awkward. We're your best friend when it comes to independent filmmaking in Atlanta. So now that we're so close, you only have to introduce yourself and watch this space!